These approaches have become part of CASA’s culture and vision through continuous training and supervision. They are currently implemented by all counselors, administrators, and supportive staff during session or other planned events. We at CASA understand everyone’s path to recovery is different and therefore require different needs. Here are just a few ways we implement our services.


Strength –Based Approaches that Promote Hope

(person­First) communicates consistently that relationships come first. ​It promotes wellness beyond active treatment, self­management, and can assist in rebuilding a meaningful life for continuing support and early re­intervention.

Person First and Family Directed Approaches

allows for family interventions and healing to be manifested during treatment or other activities. Feedback is always necessary and obtained through assessments and focus or support groups in order to eliminate barriers and create a community connection.

Holistic Approaches

Our holistic approach is underlined by CASA’s core beliefs: forgiveness and compassion, restoration and reconciliation, mercy and justice. It offers pre­assessments and screening instruments that will assist in assuring that the individual is well matched with the services he/she needs versus CASA’s services.

Culturally Informed Approaches

help people interpret and understand language and customs in ways that work for their recovery. This impacts clinical practices, referrals and resources available, program improvement tools, delivery of services, training and supervision, outreach, assessment, retention, etc.