Are you or someone you know struggling with substance abuse and in need of counseling? Are you a referral source interested in partnering with our organization? Look no further! Our family of trained professionals are here to help. Counseling serves as a way to explore one’s feelings and concerns in the presence of an objective, open, and concerned trained professional who’s willing to help! What’s more, making an appointment is easy! All we need is some information and your request will be sent! 


Make a Referral If...
  • You are representing a client from an organization
  • You are a case manager
  • You are a probation officer
  • You are a relative looking to find help for someone
  • You are looking to partner with us

Make an Appointment If...
  • You are struggling with substance abuse
  • You have legal issues
  • You are involved with Family Court or DHS
  • You are on probation


Request Appointment Now

What to Expect

After requesting an appointment, someone will be in contact within the next 24-48 hours.

Accepted requests will be followed up by a thirty minute pre-assessment set up to determine a possible level of care. For more information, see Treatment Process section under the “About Us” tab.

If you are a referral source, the client will be contacted first before someone gets back to you.

Health Insurance Information

CASA is a Community Behavioral Health Provider (CBH) and accepts all Medicaid insurances that fall within the Philadelphia County limits. CBH out of county insurances and other private insurances may cover costs of treatment but do not guarantee coverage and must pre-approve treatment.

If you have any questions about the insurance pre-approval process, please contact Katherine Frias.